Thursday 7 April 2011

A little bit about me;
My name's Cat, I'm turning 19 in... 9 days =) and I've been messing about with nail polish for a good few years and have gradually got more and more obsessed. I paint my nails at least every three days if not every day depending on how much time I have. I'm just finishing my first year at University and being in the city has given me access to a lot more nail polish! I'm from England so some of the brands of nail polish used by others are very difficult to get hold of but I try my best!
I love all things sparkly and can't stand my nails being a mess, I don't do much nail art, as in painting images on my nails but I do still try and do interesting designs.
So that's all about me I'd best show you my nails;
This colour is called Downtown by New York Color, it's not the best pinky/red colour I've ever used but it's nice enough, think it could do with a bit of jazzing up though, I'll have to do something more interesting with them when I get the time later, 
Love Cat xox

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